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Have you ever wondered why communication is so different among men vs women?  Many people joke about men having “selective listening,” but could there be more to it?  

According to the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders, men are twice as likely to experience hearing loss compared to women.  Most experts attribute this phenomenon to occupational and lifestyle differences between men and women.  Men are more likely to serve in the military or to have jobs in construction or industrial settings where they are exposed to loud noise.  Men are also more likely to participate in recreational activities that expose them to loud noise, such as hunting or shooting.  Fortunately, there has been growing awareness about the damaging effects of noise exposure.  This could mean that the gender gap for hearing loss may narrow over time.    

Being exposed to loud noises causes a loss of hearing in the high frequencies.  Women, on the other hand, are more prone to certain health conditions which affect hearing in the low frequencies.  As bizarre as it may sound, this means that men will have more difficulty hearing female voices and women will have more difficulty with male voices.  As you can imagine, this can certainly put a strain on relationships.  Luckily, hearing loss is a condition that can be easily treated, typically with hearing aids or other devices.  A recent survey showed that 8 out of 10 people report that hearing aids improved their overall quality of life. It stands to reason that better communication with loved ones has a lot to do with that.  

Even though hearing loss affects men more often than women, men are less likely to talk about hearing loss or to seek help.  So men, remember this.  Hearing loss is extremely common and it’s less likely a sign of aging and more likely a badge of honor resulting from living life to its fullest (or full of noise, at least!)  As we approach Father’s Day in the midst of this pandemic, we are all thinking a lot about the importance of family.  If you think you may be experiencing hearing loss, you owe it to yourself and to your family to get it checked out. Contact Precision Hearing at 352-765-8008 to schedule a complimentary hearing evaluation. Or, learn more about your hearing health by visiting

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